founding story
In this blogpost co-Founder Anton Mussche will tell you what made him embark on this crazy adventure
“Early 2016 my cousin Simon Tavernier and I launched Stampix, an exciting and ambitious project to deliver you free photo prints. Stampix is a photo app that removes all barriers to print your favorite smartphone pictures. We aim for a happier world with free prints for everybody. After all, photographs are memories, and beautiful memories deserve to be printed!
Stampix is not my first startup. After studying Marketing in Gent, Belgium I chose to pursue my passion for sailing and outdoors. I founded Incentive Sailing, a company that organised corporate day sailing in Zeeland. After having sailed the Schelde estuaries to the extent that I could do it blindfolded (and still can!), I sailed off into international waters. I became a commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Ocean and started sailing on large yachts in the superyacht class.

During my travels across our beautiful planet I became increasingly passionate about photography. As it turns out this also runs deep in my veins. My grandfather was a professional photographer and founded DBM Color way back in 1964. My late father Johan Mussche took over the family business in his early 30’s, and grew it into one of the largest independent photo finishing companies in Europe, Spector Photo Group.
So, how did it all start? After many years offshore Simon told me about his wild business idea on a family wedding. He had been struggling with a postcard application, and his analytical engineering mindset immediately felt complementary to my rusty marketing skills. We discussed the business model until the early hours that day, with (probably too many) beers. The next morning we woke up without a hangover, but filled with energy to realize our dreams.
I share my father's passion for marketing and technology. My fond memories of him and my love for photography gave me the spark to start this ambitious adventure, Stampix. Beautiful memories should always be printed."